Untitled Urban Planning

I have been developing this city since 1994.
Everything begins with the experience of playing toy cars at home. I started to design roads for the cars, to use the shape of my flat as the landscape of the city, the furnitures as mountains and hills, and small objects as buildings. Bus networks and railway systems were also developed. I have defined the functions of infrastructures, districts and planned sudurbs: They reflected my understanding on urbanscape and urban planning . It is the flat that I have lived for almost 20 years: Flat H, Block 1, Jubliee garden, Fotan, Shatin. The development of the city was an act of improvisation in my early life. Each instance of my ‘impromptu’ is the result of a lifetime of preparation.
一切源自小時候在家玩玩具車。我開始為玩具車設計道路,把間隔變成大地,傢俱當成山脈,小型物件當成樓宇;又規劃鐵路及巴士路線,為城市定義區域功能和市郊。這一切都反映了我成長背景下的城市認知。 城市的結構以我居住過差不多二十年的家居為藍本:沙田火炭銀禧花園第一座H室。